Spring Cometh

I feel so much better than I did a couple of weeks ago.  That two weeks I undertook of running a mile every day really helped me re-set my thoughts towards a more positive light.  And what with completing that exercise, lighter mornings, and the ground drying up enough to be able to tromp the fields again I feel very much “back in the zone” as a way of describing how I now feel.

And even though we as a nation are still in lockdown, it now feels a little easier to bear.  If nothing else we have Spring and Summer to look forward to.  For some that might mean festivals or sporting events, while for others it might mean birthday gatherings and a holiday away from home.  For me, it means watching nature unfold and blossom.  It means spending more time in the garden growing plants and food.  Taking long walks across the countryside and discovering new paths.  Hopefully, it will also mean visiting the seaside for the day or enjoying a picnic with family.  

Spring is full of opportunity and excitement.  The skies will be brighter and the nights longer.  The weather will be unpredictable as ever as we’ll no doubt still be complaining of the cold and rain well into June.  

But walking with the pups along the footpath the other lunchtime the world just suddenly felt lighter.  The harsh winds of winter have shifted and while the buds on the trees visibly grew the birds were twittering the most beautiful songs between the branches.  A change had been brought by the weather declaring winter all but gone.  Enough of the cold and dark night where we huddled around the fire.  The time has almost arrived when we’re cast off the blankets, the candles, the indoor games.  We have a tidy up and get ready to spend more time outside.  A new, bright season is almost upon us.

Thank you for reading.