Pacing Out The Day

So far today I’ve done some walking on the treadmill, watered some plants, fed the birds, sat in the sun until I got too cold and enjoyed a nice cup of coffee.  In between, I’ve also cracked on with work, thought about ideas to help people with growing food and had nice conversations with my wife and checked in with family to make sure they are okay.

And now I’m writing this.  It’s not so bad all this confinement business.  Avoiding the news first thing in the morning is definitely important.  Watching it can set the tone up for the rest of my day and it’s never a positive one.  Limiting social media also seems to be imperative.  Because now, not only can you waste time on it but the contrasting feed that goes on a scale from doom and gloom to hilarity and back again leaves you psychologically worn out.  Again, something you don’t need first thing (or last thing) in the day.  Much better to start working through that pile of books that have been in the corner of the room pleading with you to be read for ages!  Don’t like reading?  Then try and focus on something more visual – there is a lot of comics and art online to explore.

Now I don’t have to rush about catching trains and buses or attending meetings face to face I’ve got more time which can be spent doing other things, some of which has to be used on exercise.  Also very important.  I set myself to complete 8k steps per day this year.  I aim to complete 1400 miles.  Last year I walked 1200 miles but this year has been challenging.  Not going out isn’t a barrier to getting steps done.  I’ve got a walk mapped out in the house that gets 100 steps done and in the garden, I can get 100 done too. 

Walking around and around would quickly get mind-numbingly boring so it has to be broken up throughout the day.  10 mins here, 10 mins there.  Been to the toilet?  Walk 10 minutes.  Just had lunch, that’s another 10 minutes.  Plus another 10 minutes at the beginning and end of my working day.  I could further break it up with squats or push-ups but I’m not quite there yet.  If I try and do too much I won’t be able to sustain it then get fed up then give up altogether which is a no-no!  Much better to do little as often as possible rather than massive work-out sessions.  

I’m bookending my days with routines.  Trying to plan your whole day out brings clarity in some and boredom in others.  I’m a bit in the middle.  I like some routine but not hour by hour stipulation.  If I can do a few regular things at around the same time every day, at the beginning and end, then it’s pretty satisfying. And, if I want to be productive (which lets be honest isn’t going to happen every day we’re only human), then I need to ensure I know what I’ll be productive on.  Just writing out a simple top 3 tasks at the beginning of my day feels good and gets me going.  And reading a few pages of a good novel before bed sets me up for a better nights sleep.

And before I know it another day is over.  Time to relax.  

Thank you for reading.

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