Lockdown Living

The lockdown continues – in some capacity.  Mostly people just want to move on now, not necessarily forgetting there is still a pandemic about but just connecting again with each other in whatever way the current restrictions allow.  It’s human nature.  I connect a lot through work and I stay in touch with family.  I’m not big on the whole sociable thing so this lockdown hasn’t come at such a high price for me. I know that makes me sound very much like a bore but it’s just the way I am.

But, I can see why people need to interact.  I miss having a coffee and catch up with friends – something so simple has and will become rather awkward and difficult in the future.  

Instead, I listen to the increase in traffic, there is a lot more now.  More people are back at work, where possible.  It must feel strange having been away from work for so long to get back to it.  Especially when you have to take extra precautions at every step.  Just getting on a train won’t be the same for a while yet.  Our local train is now back in operation but the timetable is vastly reduced, even more so from its 2hr running times.  I will at some point need to leave the village but out there will be different, I know.   

I’ve realised over the last few weeks where we have not been allowed to go out very far that I now don’t actually need to go out to other places or venture very far.  Everything I need is pretty much here already.  Work, I’ll obviously need to head out for at some point.  But for everything else, it can usually come to me or I have discovered I don’t actually need it anymore.  I love getting my shopping delivered.  I can get local shopping or supermarket shopping.  I can get gardening supplies or I can walk half a mile to my local nursery.  I don’t miss mooching around the shops.  Although I used to like to do it in some capacity (depending on type of shop), it doesn’t feel such a big deal not to do it anymore.  Shopping became so ingrained in my life, something that was just part of every day but now, I wouldn’t take it for granted.  I’d shop as a day out – a treat.  I’d enjoy picking objects up, looking at them, feeling them and weighing up whether I’d need to buy it.  

Things I can’t do and currently, really miss would definitely be hopping on a train down to see my mum.  It’s not that I always do that but it’s the not having the easy opportunity to do this anymore.  

Not being able to book a trip to the Lakes does make me sad.  We have a trip booked in December which I hope will go ahead but it seems odd not to be heading to the Lakes in summer.  Or anywhere for that matter.  But again, it’s been nice to explore my local area.  It might not have the mountainous scenery but it does have a lot going for in regardless.  Big open countryside, estuary banks, woods and fields are more than enough to keep me going for years to come.  The lockdown has given me the opportunity to really get to know my local area and in doing so I have become more invested it.  I want to learn more about its history and become better at identifying local birds and flowers.

And going to the hairdressers which is something I never thought I’d write.  My hair is getting too long now – uncomfortably so.  I have definitely moaned too much and took going to the hairdressers for granted.  Not now.  When they are able to open again I shall pay all hairdressers the respect they deserve.  My wife is planning to attempt cutting my hair.  I’m not sure what the result of that will be – we might end up divorced or she may just have a new career – I doubt it will be anything in between!  I don’t think there are shortcuts (excuse the pun) of hair cutting unless you shave your head, which I don’t fancy at all.

Every day is still an opportunity though, and this what I focus on.  I am alive, and healthy with much to keep me and my family occupied.  I have two cute pups who keep the whole thing in perspective.  They don’t care where we are, or what we do as long as we’re all together.  And we are.  

Thank you for reading.

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