Writing Achievements – W/e 28th June 2020

Another week has passed like lightening and I look back and wonder what on earth did I do with all that time and how do I find myself here again so quickly?

It’s been a busy week.  The weather has been slightly better than last which means I’ve spent more time outside, cracking on with some gardening projects and keeping an eye on my plants which seem to grow incredibly fast at this time of year.

I’ve enjoyed a lot of reading this week – finished one book and close to finishing another.  I’ve also written on this blog more over the last few days although it feels more like a stream of consciousness than anything constructive.

This week I’ve also been listening to a couple of podcasts that have inspired me to write and I’ve reached out on social media across Facebook and Twitter to engage with other writers for support and general chat.

I can thoroughly recommend both podcasts that I’ve delved into.  One is called Writer’s Routine that discusses an author’s writing style and daily routine for writing every week.  I love nothing more than to see or hear other writers routines.  I don’t expect to emulate them but merely understand that every writer is different which is actually empowering in itself.   The other one is called the Stubborn Light of Things which is a beautiful journey describing nature and the seasons through sounds and voices alone.  It’s very calming and inviting and makes me feel closer to the natural world near to me.

What am I reading?

McTeague has now finished and what an ending that had!  I’d been a bit bored up to the middle of the story but all of a sudden it took off and I found myself enthralled by the end.  It’s rather a tragic story all told and now I know the ending I’m wondering whether the early parts of the novel would make more sense now?  It was certainly a slow build but as always, it’s very much getting to know the characters and to do that you need to go on a journey with them to see all their behaviours and traits.

  • A Passionate Sisterhood: The Sisters, Wives and Daughters of the Lake Poets by Kathleen Jones – I’ll finish this in the next couple of days.
  • Villette by Charlotte Bronte – another slow burn but I do like the main character – Lucy.

I attempted to pursue a reading group online but the way it’s set up on Facebook I find it incredibly difficult to follow and very often either miss an important written update or invites to meetings.  I disliked it a lot.  Surely there is an easier way to discuss a novel?  I’d love to discuss books too and I like the idea of online groups, especially in the current climate but FB just doesn’t lend itself well to being a forum.

Thank you for reading.

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